July 17, 2003

Graham says Bush deceived America

Here is a brief but important AP story, posted on the
Web by a local TV station in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Yes, just the kind of media outlet, in a
"battleground" state, threatened by the recent
pro-monopoly ruling of the Bush-commandeered FCC. It
is important because Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fraudida)
has escalated his rhetoric. Graham is not a
left-winger, Graham is not a hot head. Graham is
disciplined, savvy and principled. Even more
importantly, Graham knows...so there is fire within
the billowing smoke...The _resident's ruthless
political machine has demonstrated great skill in
manipulating a gutless and compromised "US mainstream
news media. They can control the news media to some
extent, but they cannot control the weather...There is
a perfect storm brewing...


Graham says Bush deceived America%)
Miami Beach, Florida-AP -- Democratic presidential contender Bob Graham is sharply criticizing President Bush's honesty regarding Iraq.
The Florida senator says he won't use the word "lie", but he does think Bush deceived the American people.
Graham says he's talking about Bush's State of the Union address, when the president made the now-discredited claim that Saddam Hussein tried to buy uranium in Niger.
Graham says Bush either knew that statement was wrong or should have known it was wrong. Before the speech, the C-I-A had had no luck confirming the claim, which was based on forged documents.
Graham, speaking at the N-Double-A-C-P forum in Miami Beach, was also asked about impeachment. He says a president who knowingly deceives the public about the need for war would meet the standard for impeachment.
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Posted by richard at July 17, 2003 11:28 AM