July 20, 2004

The era of trust and respect for conservative media is coming to an ugly, shameful end. The world can no longer tolerate this immoral insanity.

It's the Media, Stupid.

Scott McGlasson, www.buzzflash.com: I and millions of
others have seen Byron York in a CSPAN "Washington
Journal" interview a couple weeks ago saying that,
whatever the torture methods used in Abu Ghraib and
other US military prisons, "...it is, in fact,
working." He's said it more than once. The first
sentence of an article he wrote, shown on the same
program, was "Torture? Whatever it was, it worked."
Now we know that part of "whatever" was sodomizing
screaming Iraqi boys. York and nearly everyone else
already knew that it included forced masturbation and
sodomizing with light sticks, along with secret, old
techniques from Vietnam, and I'm sure many knew this
horrific story too. Certainly the Republicans privy to
the details of investigations knew it...
The era of trust and respect for conservative media is coming to an ugly, shameful end. The world can no longer tolerate this immoral insanity.

Crush the "Vast Reich-Wing Conspiracy," Show Up for
Democracy in 2004: Defeat Bush (again!)


Byron York: Sodomizing Children at Abu Ghraib "Worked"!

by Scott McGlasson

I and millions of others have seen Byron York in a
CSPAN "Washington Journal" interview a couple weeks
ago saying that, whatever the torture methods used in
Abu Ghraib and other US military prisons, "...it is,
in fact, working." He's said it more than once. The
first sentence of an article he wrote, shown on the
same program, was "Torture? Whatever it was, it

Now we know that part of "whatever" was sodomizing
screaming Iraqi boys. York and nearly everyone else
already knew that it included forced masturbation and
sodomizing with light sticks, along with secret, old
techniques from Vietnam, and I'm sure many knew this
horrific story too. Certainly the Republicans privy to
the details of investigations knew it.


York would not even flat condemn "interrogation
resulting in death." He dismissed it with comments
about possible "unknown medical conditions." This is
real, guys. It was done. There is more and more
evidence with every investigation, and now that
information is out, do you really think you can bury
this? It hasn't worked for other crimes of the Bush
administration, despite your best efforts to divert
public attention from it.

The support among conservatives for York is obvious.
Not a single major conservative figure has said
anything to disagree with York. They know his
opinions, and clearly agree. York and his conservative
comrades are beyond sick, and soon everyone will know

I can't wait until the American people find this out,
and believe me, this is going to come out. I want to
see York defend his support for raping children in
interviews. I want to see clips of York saying "it
worked," along with the documentation showing that
"it" included raping children and other horrors. No
journalist or pundit would discuss the prison abuse
scandal without knowing what it was about, of course,
so York knew pre
cisely what he was talking about.

This is the inescapable fact that America needs to
know -- conservatives knew the stomach-turning details
of the prison abuse incidents, and they still defend
these practices.

I want it live, on prime time TV. I want to see how
much York gave to the Bush campaign, and clips showing
York praising Bush / Cheney. I want the world to see
him say "it worked." I want to see York explain to the
world his theory of raping children to make America
safer. Then we can see the ample documentation from
the International Red Cross showing that 70% to 90% of
Iraqi detainees are there "by mistake."

The era of trust and respect for conservative media is
coming to an ugly, shameful end. The world can no
longer tolerate this immoral insanity.

Scott McGlasson
Denver, CO


Posted by richard at July 20, 2004 01:22 PM